3 easy steps to avoid entrepreneurial burnout.

Entrepreneurial burnout is a challenge most business owners experience at least once.

If you're feeling overworked and overwhelmed, this exercise will help set you free so you can get back to feeling good about your work.

It's called the 3 Lists for Freedom and it comes from author Chris Drucker.

Do this simple 5-minute exercise to unburden yourself and create more capacity to keep going.

  1. Grab a pen and paper and write 3 columns on your page

    1. Things I hate doing every day in my business

    2. Things I can’t do myself and I’m struggling with

    3. Things I shouldn’t be doing that are holding me back or wasting my time

  2. List your answers under each column

  3. Use your lists as a blueprint to buy back your time and freedom through:

    • Delegating the task to a current or future team member. It could be an employee, contractor, freelancer, or virtual assistant

    • Deleting unnecessary or unproductive tasks from your to-do list or schedule

    • Deferring tasks that you do not need to handle right away to a later date.

The goal of the exercise is to reduce your workload on tasks that you find draining or distracting so you can invest more of your time on energizing and impactful actions.

That shift can help you leverage your time for significantly better results and a more enjoyable time leading your business.

Which list is the longest for you right now?


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