My journey from burnout to balance through my business.

This is why I’m building my business to prioritize time, freedom, and balance over money.

There was a period in my life, not long ago, when I felt completely out of control with my time.

I was in a corporate job and fully burnt out from years of constant business travel.

I was away 2-3 weeks per month with endless days in airports and hotels across North America.

My work was slowly but seriously eroding the quality of my life.

→ My physical and mental health were suffering.
→ I was often so tired I couldn’t think clearly. 
→ I was crushed by anxiety and insomnia.

When I finally reached my breaking point I vowed to never give up control of my time again.

To never sacrifice my health and happiness for my work.

Because life is too short to struggle through each day in exchange for money.

→ I started looking for role models who were working and living differently.
→ I found inspiring people who were growing businesses that supported their ideal lifestyle.
→ And I decided to take a shot at creating that for myself.

I wrote down my top 3 priorities for any work I would do moving forward:

1. No more than 40 hours per week with no work on weekends.
2. The ability to work when I want from wherever I want.
3. With no limit on vacation days and time off.

I knew I would have to accept earning less money but my freedom and enjoyment of life are worth so much more to me.

With clear priorities and values, I’ve been able to make my business fit my life.

→ Now, I’m able to create my own ideal schedule for work and life. 
→ I have the freedom to enjoy more travel, downtime, and fun. 
→ I’ve attained the balance that I used to dream about.

I’ve made tradeoffs, like earning less money this year while I build my new business.

But I’ll never go back to grinding because I know what it cost me.

I worked hard to escape the grind and now I have the pleasure of helping others do the same.

That’s why I help overworked business owners earn more while working less so they can find more balance.

It's more than just work for me, it's a meaningful mission!

Work is a big part of our life, but it doesn’t have to be our whole life.


How 6 months on LinkedIn changed my business and life.


What would you do with an extra 5 hours this week?