Balancing your time, money, and energy.

This image highlights the common narrative of how our lives progress and how our 3 primary energy sources fluctuate with age.

Young people have a lot of time and energy but are limited by money.
Working adults have energy and money but significantly less time.
Retirees have enough wealth and free time but diminished energy and health.

The problem with this narrative is it leads us to accept we can’t live the life we want today.

We can't balance money, time, and energy all at once.

We can only have:
→ Time freedom when we retire.
→ Money when we’re older and have worked hard enough.
→ Energy when we’re young and it comes naturally.

I disagree.

We don’t have to accept the ‘average’ pattern for our life.

Plenty of people are living counter to this narrative.

I've closely studied the ones who have broken free from the Money-Time-Energy tradeoff.

They live a life of abundance that many people can only dream of…

A life with ample time to enjoy their money while being healthy and full of energy.

These entrepreneurs have built valuable businesses while protecting their time and energy.

They know it's not worth being rich if you don't have the time and health to enjoy your life today.

We can have all 3 at any age if we're intentional about how we manage them.

→ We can have enough time if we choose not to grind.
→ We can feel rich if we know what matters most to us.
→ We can have energy if we prioritize our health today.

That's how I'm building my business and my life.

To balance all three sources of energy at 33 and never trade too much of one for the other.

If you're feeling out of balance with your time, money, and energy, start prioritizing what’s most important while you have it!

You’ll never get it back, so make sure you use it wisely.

Which one of the 3 are you lacking the most right now?


For business owners dealing with impostor syndrome.


Stop putting your needs behind your business.