My life changed when I learned this lesson.
It all started with a question.
What would our lives look like if we spent 40 hours/week working on ourselves instead of our current jobs?
What if instead of giving the majority of our energy to someone else’s company, we invested that time in learning, growing, and pursuing our own goals?
And what if we did it in a different country so we had the opportunity to completely reset our lives?
This dream drove my partner and I to quit our jobs and move to Australia for a year at the beginning of 2020.
This photo was taken 4 years ago today, 2 weeks into that trip.
I'd just left behind a job I loved because it was taking too big a toll on my health.
It was one of the hardest decisions in my life.
But I knew it was necessary to become the person I wanted to be.
I had some money saved and a big dream but no idea how to make it happen.
I knew I wanted more autonomy, freedom, and balance in my life.
I wanted to work remotely and spend more time travelling.
But most of all, I wanted to take ownership of my life and go after the dreams I'd been putting off for years.
It's not that I didn't have enough.
It's actually that it had become too much.
Too much work.
Too much stress.
Too much responsibility.
And not enough balance or freedom.
I decided that I didn't need to know the answers to all my questions in order to take the leap.
I just needed to know I wasn't happy with the path I was on anymore.
Everything has changed for the better since that decision.
I've intentionally built my life and business around the things that give me more time, more freedom, and more happiness.
The biggest lesson I learned was this.
When you start truly going after your dreams it is shocking how fast they start to become reality.
The life I'm living today was only a dream a few years ago.
I'm grateful I took the leap and believed in my ability to make it happen.
We live in the best time in history to create whatever life you want.
You can go anywhere and be anything you want to be.
But only when you decide to stop putting off the things you know you want to do until some imaginary future.
Dreams only become reality when we take action in spite of fear!
What life are you dreaming about right now?